Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Same Wavelength

Long time no write... I guess writing is one of the best thing that happened in my life. It helps me a lot to undepressed me (just ignore the grammar).

Haaah, I depressed in these days.
One of my friend stop contacts me, after going abroad. She has no idea how much I miss her and need to talk like we used to.

The same wavelength? It just another random title. Well, I heard this once, or I read it, (I forgot)
But they say, that people who likes you actually reflects yourself. I mean, if you are a kind person, then a kind person gonna love you back, and so on.

But there's one thing that disturb my mind. Why people who likes me ussually are not brave enough to say they likes me directly. More often, they tend to use text message rather than directly speaking to me. 3 person supposed to talk to me directly... But... They failed, and in the end... They used text messages.

It's not a problem at all!
Something that disturb me is then I'm also not brave enough to speak directly to the person I like, that I love him? Oh, very well!

Also, the one who tend to like me is kinda people who have this categorization: nerd, badass, gamer, otaku, and so on. I expect too much to myself. I thought I was cool and out standing but in reality , not.

Guess what? I need to not look down on others and see the "same wavelength" in others who likes me, to reflect myself.
Posted on by Ao | 1 comment


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