So here I am.
A 22-years old woman tries to live a better life with doing NOTHING.
I keep myself shut in my room. No outdoors, except for buying food.
What kind of life it is? Well, I don't feel alive at all!
Family, boyfriend, and friends are really worried about me. They already tried everything to cheer me up, but I can help except being so resentful all the time!
This thesis. Yes. I'm sick of it!
I don't have any interests to do it AT ALL!
I should take another way around, but there's no way family would accept me do that. Besides, I HATE the classes.
English was my favorite subject for 12 years! And all these 4 years, I feel like gaining NOTHING!
There's absolutely no fun. I've wasted my time!
The atmosphere, the people... I don't have any interest to socialize with most of them. I can't help but whine everyday. Regretting that I took the wrong way.
It's all in the past. But how come I can't forget it?! This is SUCK.
I don't make any progress or improvement at all. I took the wrong option. But hey! I've never been so happy with this WRONG option!
It's just all about family's dignity which burden me all the time. I should not take this major!!! The translation class that I've waited so much turned out to be the my least favorite class.
People. All people I used to know, started to look me down after knowing I took this major. Eventhough my family tried to cheer me up by saying this major is really helpful for my career, but the answer is NOT!
Everytime I go to Job Fair. There's definitely no one wants to hire a FRESHGRADUATED from English Linguistics and Literature! SHAME ON ME!!!
and from now on, I need to do this paper that I don't have any interest in it AT ALL.
I'm sorry I've talked to much. It sounds like I made excuses too much... I wish I could do better under the pressure... I've never thought that I'm going through this way...
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